Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why am I blogging so much lately?

There is only one simple answer for this. It is because I'm bored to death. My new job doesn't start till next year and I have nothing to do until that time other than going on many many many dates. If anyone wants me to write about a certain subject, please leave a comment. I welcome smart ass, awesome comments :) They give me energy to blog even more.

Find out the shocking truth about Angelina Jolie

In response to this story

Am I the only one who is disappointed by the fact that Brat Pitt is with Angelina Jolie? A lot of people think she is hot, but I don't this she is. Take a look at this shocking pictures.

I have never met Angelina and probably never will, but I personally think Jennifer Aniston is a much better choice. Better choice because she seems like a normal human being and Angelina to me seems like a ghost from a horror movie. Even though I like the fact that Angelina Jolie is so much into charity, her weirdness just creeps me out a little bit.

Friday, December 26, 2008

How to kill your wife???? You're better off cheating on her!

I just came back from a date with one of the hottest girls i picked up and she told me that one of the most searched keywords in google is "how to kill my wife". I had a couple of drinks on me so don't quote on on the exact phrase but that got me thinking. Why would some one want to kill their wife? I admit, if she was an ugly cougar, i could understand. You can't be a man and deal with that crap. Especially if she is past 30 and have wrinkles because that means they're way pass their prime.

Being a civilized citizen, I'm all against any kind of violence, weather it is against humans, animals or Canadians. But why try to kill the wife when you can cheat on her? I have many friends who have done that and I have been more than dishonest at times by dating more than one woman.

If you're seriously considering killing your wife, A visit to "www.ashleymadison.com" will change you life forever! However; make sure you don't long on to "www.match.com" and contact potential dates while you're married. One of my coworkers did that and got caught. Got to be discrete when having multiple women in your life, but that's for another post.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dealing with hotties

I've been really pushing it to date some women who are amazingly beautiful and I've learned a few harsh lessons.

Generally, there is more competition for really beautiful women. At least it has been true for the ones I meet and sometimes gaming them can be a pain in the ass. Each and every time, I had to compete with cockblockers just so i can get some alone time with them. Some of these cockblockers are horrible as well. They try to come in and ignore you and talk to the girl. A big mistake amateurs make and it is really annoying as well.

I've been able to get four numbers in the last month with these types of women. Talked to them on average for about 15-30 minutes. Now closing less attractive girls seems like a piece of cake.

The first thing I learned when closing attractive women is what Juggler used to say, "Every hot girl has a boyfriend or two." This is totally true. It's not easy to find a hot chick who has no BF. Of the 4 numbers I've closed, 2 of them are living with boyfriends and I suspect the other 2 are getting laid by someone as well (sigh). The two with boyfriends are in bad relationships so I think I could still get them out to see me. We'll see what will happen. Generally speaking, get good with destroying the BF and being non-reactive when they mention the BF. When you compete in this league, you've got to have your shit together. That's why you don't see many lair guys with one hot girl after the other. This shit is really, really tough. I'm having a hard time with this as well.

The second thing I learned is that Day 2 ASAP. This is a must. When other people are competing against you, you want to be the guy who builds the most rapport. Attraction is like radioactive material with a short half-life. You want to get her out when she is still thinking about you, but this can be tough with schedules. You have to compromise--don't expect her to. Also, text them on a regular basis. You have to be in her mind more than the other guys. On a different perspective, why does every one know Coca-Cola? It's because they spend so much time advertising. You've got to do the same.

The third thing, trigger pre-selection over and over again. This is your most powerful weapon with attractive women. Try to have 2 girls or one on your arm. If you can demonstrate to her that other women are into you, things will become a lot easier. Sometimes I talk to these women and things are going nowhere. They've been hit on by many other people. You've got to stand out.

The fourth thing, run LONG sets. Fuck the 5 minute number closes. They don't work with attractive women. Guess David Deangelo has been dating some nasty ones with that technique. Run the set as long as you can. Closing 1 hot girl is equal to closing 100 ugly ones.

Mystery is definitely right when he says hotties are different. I would say hotties who have been well socialized are a complete different breed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How to meet women in a bookstore

There is a secret to opening during the day and I've uncovered it while I was day gaming this weekend with a friend of mine. Actually, it's not a secret. I'm sure many people have discovered it in the past. I've got most of my ideas from juggler, so credit should go to him.

Here is the way I open during day.

1) Make a comment about her environment that she will immediately get
2) Wait for a response
3) Try to get her laughing really fast
4) Tell her you like her

Example of how things are done:

I notice a woman look at books at a table, and on that table there is a sign that says "Buy 2, get the 3rd one for free". I walk up to her and make a comment:

Vibe: All these cheap books... (After I do this, I wait for her response. She will usually respond)

Her: I know, isn't it crazy.

Vibe: I know, it is. Now I can buy and even more books and not read them.

Her: She laughs... I have so many books that I didn't finish either. Some times I get bored of them.

Vibe: Sounds like you read a lot. I like you :)

Her: [She drops her defences, I'm in]

This is how to get into a conversation with her. If you notice any hesitation after doing this, it's time to get more info. In bookstores, I usually ask "Who are you here with?". Lots of times women are with their BFs there.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fashion tips for the socially retarded

I was wondering around town last weekend and ran into few community guys. Luckily, they didn't know who I was but I could tell they were in the community. Why? because they were trying to copy Mystery but ended up looking like clowns. Of course, they walked home without a date. What a surprise!

At the same time, I realized they're newbies and every one goes through that stage where they discover the community and act retarded. But what got me really pissed off is when one of these retards told me to smile and showed me how to smile? Wtf! I couldn't believe that. Every one is born with the ability to smile and sadly for him, he had yellow teeth. So his smile grossed me out even more.

The community should be a place where people learn to be better with people. Giving people advice when they don't ask for it is a sure sign that you need to work on this part. Learn when to give advice and when not to, and the funny thing is that people who doesn't know shit and have the least skill, gives the most advice! Guess it makes them feel important.

Anyways, that's it for today and I'm back to blogging again. Have learned too many things the last week and I realized that there is so much more room for improvements in my game. I'll share my insights here for people who wants to read it. Plus it feels good to go back and read my old posts and see how much I've changed. Until then, do me a favor and read Brad P's Fashion Bible! The information there will help you guys find a style that fits you. Find a sexual stereotype that is irresistibly attractive women.