I recently heard of a funny story. It's funny and sad. A community guy was in set and he ran into a non responsive girl. Of course, him being a total social retard, he said to her "You're boring".
This is not a fly thing to do. Boy, if I got a penny every time i saw some thing retarded like that, i'd have enough money to buy one of you a drink. Of course, that would break another pathetic community rule, so I wouldn't do that (sigh).
This is why community guys never improve and one of the reasons I decided to stay away from them. Guys really need to learn how to be normal before reading a book about seduction and really think twice about throwing negs. I've heard too many stories of these idiots getting kicked out of clubs. At the same time, I've done things like this too and I can totally relate to it. I have messed up on many different occasions but after a while, I developed social calibration and this shit never happened.
Recently I read a TD article where he said that after a while, your social skills will be at a point where no one can keep up with you. Every thing you say is so socially calibrated and this is so true. I've personally witnessed this when I was helping the SocialHitchHiker in his bootcamps. The things that comes out of his mouth are really amazing that's one reason why I love that guy. Every time we hang out, I get newer insights into things.
Here is an example of his social calibration:
Single Mom: .... and that why I don't go out very often because I don't have much time.
SocialHitchHiker: I know what you're talking about. I used to date a single mom and she was really busy with her kids. She had to cook for them and drop them of to school and it was always special when she found some time to go out. [The delivery of this was amazing]
Single Mom: [Feel understood, she feels special and opens up to him even more]
Vibe: [Thinking "damn, I should have said that". This is where I gained a deeper understanding about what social calibration is and ever since then, i've been trying to say things that are socially to the point. This is also another proof that all game is not inner game.]
Calibration is another reason why guys who use routines tend to do horribly. Most community guys are horribly socially calibrated and when a person like that uses routines, they spit out the routine at bad times and creep out every one.
My point is, learn how to offer social value by making every thing a "hit". I'm not there yet but doing my best to get there. Do this and all the girls in your social circle will love you and you'll be able to at least #close every time you go out.
PUA Video Game
16 years ago