Friday, October 27, 2006

A Friendly Vibe is Infectious

HAVE A WARM, FRIENDLY VIBE: Every time I've got blown out of the approach is when I didn't have a warm, friendly vibe and on top of that, I've been lacking Kino during the approach. Lately this has been happening a lot and it's becoming hard for me to approach now. I'm starting to loose the confidence I had about approaching due to the times I've gotten shut down in the past few weeks.

So, this is just a remainder, don't forget to:



I'll go and make a note card and write this down. So I can read it before I go out and get into the right mindset.

Friday, October 20, 2006

The correct way to DQ

I've always had problems with DQ. If they're done right, people will bust out laughing and think you're down to earth. If you do them wrong, they'll think you have LSE (Low Self Esteem) and it'll be awkward for them. Until now, the majority of the time I DQed, it went wrong because I didn't know the trick to DQing until I talked with Judson yesterday.

Basically, whenever you DQ, put on a huge smile and say it like as if it is the best thing that's happening to you.


I was at the coffee place by my work, I was tired from not sleeping much last night. While I'm ordering coffee, I hear a women saying some thing about ".....bad hair, teeth falling out..." I immediate put a big grin in my face, turn around and say "Sounds like me in the morning" as if I've been waiting to say it my whole life. The two girls bust out

Note: If people laugh when you DQ, you're doing a great job. If they don't laugh, there is a big chance that you didn't DQ right.

Thanks Judson for giving great advice :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Quick Update

I haven't wrote any thing in a while but things are going great. I'm at the point where I feel confident about going out, having good interactions with women and getting their number. I just got confident about this last weekend while gaming this older lady. Our age difference was probably more than 10 years, yet I was able to game her and make her feel attraction towards me. However, I didn't completely take care of the age issue so she flaked on the phone :( If she was younger, I might have been able to pull a day2 with her.

As of right now, my game is like this:

Open: "Hi, I'm Vibe"
OEQ: "You guys are so close together. What are you guys talking about?"
Relate/Reward (Try to reward with "I like you")
Find out a passion of one girl and throw SOI "I find that sexy about you"
Throw in the second SOI. I find that attractive about you.
After than find out the relationship situation and number close.

So in a way it looks like Open - Relate/Reward -> SOI -> Relate/Reward -> SOI2 -> Gather info -> Set up a day2 -> Number close.

I think I can do this withing 10 minutes or so but I want to incorporate push-pull into the equation and make the set go for about 20 minutes. That way I will be able to get a solid number.