Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Game Factors:

Things outside my control:

- Male to female ratio. If the ratio is fucked, hooking sets will become very hard, yet alone running game.
- Atmosphere of the place. The classier the place, the harder it is to hook sets. I find college bars to be the easiest while high class cock fests to be the worse place.
- Older women are easier than younger ones.
- Secure, confident girls are easier to game than the insecure ones.
- Smarter girls are easier to game than the dumb ones.

Things in my control:

3 Most important factors in bars and clubs that in my control are preseletion, social proof and a warm vibe. Nothing can come close to these three.

- Preselection: Had some experience with this. Saturday I opened those girls who are walking by using the fat chick who was with me. She had a cool personality. I should definitely use this to my advantage!
- Social proof: Opened those to HB white girls using social proof and preselection I guess.
- Vibe: Have plenty of experience with this. Having a cool, fun vibe will put people at ease.

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