Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Using Push/Pull while SOIing

Here are some examples of push/pull SOI I came up with. I'll go and practice them in the field and see how it goes. Also, i'll go and read swingcat's stuff as well. Obviously his push/pulls are crazy.

Example 1

Make her do some thing

Girl: and the blond said bla bla bla bal bal
Vibe: (laugh) You know, I really hate laughing at blonds but the way you said it was so sexy. I just couldn't help myself. There goes my new years resolution about not laughing at blonds. Ok tell me another one smile

or if it's not a blond joke.

Vibe: You know, that joke was so horrible tongue but the way you said it was so sexy. I just couldn't help but to laugh. Looks like we've got a girl with a sense of humor. Are you a keeper wink


She is mean to you during opening

SOI: You, at first I thought you were an ass because you did XXXXXXX but I find it sexy how adventurous you're and how good of a conversationalist you're. I'm adding you to Vibes friends list.

If you feel like you've pulled her too much here, you can always do some thing like:

"but if you don't leave me any comments, I'm gonna kick you off that list. I work like myspace".


You're jealous about a certain quality she has

Girl: bla bla bla and I've been writing ever since then and got a 4.0 in my class.
Vibe: I HATE you wink It's not fair that you're such a good writer. That's so sexy, I can't even write two complete sentences smile


Tell her one of her items she wears is weird but how every thing makes sense after she explains more about how things go together.

Girl: bla bla bla and that's why I wore them.
Vibe: You know, at first I saw your boots and thought this girl is crazy for wearing them things, but now I understand how you dress and what you're trying to express and it's sexy how you put every thing together.


My first impression of you was wrong

Girl: bla bla bla bla bal I volunteer after work to help the little kids.
Vibe: At first I thought you were one of those mean girls that shoot everyone and every thing down and I was intimidated by your posture [mimic it in a funny way] but you have such a big heart and it's so sexy how you like to take your free time and help out those little buggers.


She is breaking your stereotypes

Vibe: I always thought violin players were so friggin boring but I was wrong. You're one of the most exciting and passionate people I talked in a while. Matter of fact, I find your passion towards playing the violin is very attractive about you.

Game Factors:

Things outside my control:

- Male to female ratio. If the ratio is fucked, hooking sets will become very hard, yet alone running game.
- Atmosphere of the place. The classier the place, the harder it is to hook sets. I find college bars to be the easiest while high class cock fests to be the worse place.
- Older women are easier than younger ones.
- Secure, confident girls are easier to game than the insecure ones.
- Smarter girls are easier to game than the dumb ones.

Things in my control:

3 Most important factors in bars and clubs that in my control are preseletion, social proof and a warm vibe. Nothing can come close to these three.

- Preselection: Had some experience with this. Saturday I opened those girls who are walking by using the fat chick who was with me. She had a cool personality. I should definitely use this to my advantage!
- Social proof: Opened those to HB white girls using social proof and preselection I guess.
- Vibe: Have plenty of experience with this. Having a cool, fun vibe will put people at ease.