Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Great article why all game is not inner game


One thing that stood out for me is "What has to change is your actions. What has to change is your habits."

This has been true for me but I see it in a different light. I'm always on auto pilot. Even in social interactions. It used to be that I would open and have fun. My sets would do well but I wasn't closing. It's like every night I went out, opened left and right, and leave empty handed. That was my auto pilot mode. I really had to take conscious steps to break out of it. I had to force myself to change my auto pilot mode and start closing. I'm still in auto pilot when it comes to day2s and so on. I still need to consciously tell myself, go on day2s, but it's hard. I hate sacrificing a day at the gym for a stupid day2.

"You will never have true confidence by telling yourself over and over and over that you are confident. You will never have confidence by reading a thousand books or going to a thousand workshops. The only way to get true confidence is by going out and doing it over and over. It doesn’t sound easy, does it? Maybe that’s the point."

Amen! Guys who believe in girls being already sold should read this over and over again. You can tell your self, "she wants to fuck me" to make yourself feel like the man, to make your self feel powerful, but in reality, being already sold doesn't matter shit. There is so much more you have to do from opening to close. I would argue that the guys who believes this doesn't get laid that much. If they did, they wouldn't be proud when a girl has high buying temperature. All of them have false confidcence.

Just like you'll never have true confidence in approaching until you do it a thousand times and you'll never be truly confident in pickup until you banged a shitload of women. There will always be doubts in your head about your abilities and how much choice you have with women. All of you, stop these delusions about already being sold and all game is inner game. If you don't have choice in women, you have no game and no amount of reframing can help you.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Forum Gurus

I haven't been online in a while and just read some forums. It's sad to say but I think I've gotten my dosage of Bullshit for the next couple of years.

Guys, leave these fucking forums!!!!!!! It's pathetic. It's filled with crap. If you have no wings, go there, find some cool wings and then don't go there anymore.

I checked all the forums. Charm school, VA as well as the local forums and the worse thing was about a guy who keeps fucking the same UG even though she's got a STD. How desperate can someones get? Why would a man of choice ever do that? Wait, it probably means he's got no choice. He is so desperate that he'll take any thing he can get.

This is a prime example about the quality of guys posting in forums. If I'd ever invent a cast system, I'd place him right below the primates. Wait, I take it back. Cast systems are bad. Sorry for my strange idea.

At the same time, forums can be good too. I've been part of them for a while and I still check them here and there when friends tell me about interesting posts. I've met some cool people as well as some creepy midgets body builders as a result of these forums. My advice for normal guys, if you want wings, contact some people, meet them and if any of them smell weird, DO NOT HANG OUT WITH THEM. If they seem normal, make friends and hang out. Just so you know, you've got to meet a lot of guys until you find some one normal. There is probably 1 cool guy for ever 9 retards.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Silence, it's golden.

One of the most overlooked things in a pick up is silence. Most guys think it's a bad thing and do their best to avoid those uncomfortable moments of silences. I used to hate it too. I did every thing in my power to avoid it and it meant being quick on my feet and PLOWing until my mouth falls off but not anymore.

Now, I open directly, full of commitment and get her involved in a conversation. After I talk to her for few minutes, I stop and just look at her. I have carried the burden of conversation until this point. It's time for her to do that. It's time for her to come up with the next lame question to ask me. Let her sweat a little bit. Nervousness and the pressure she is feeling is good. She will has to work for me and the more effort she puts in asking me questions, the better it is and the more committed she will be. No other guy will do this!

This is super important for guys who are in set for a while but has trouble getting solid numbers. The more effort she puts it, the more solid the number is. If the only thing you do is palm reading and talking about Britney Spears, good luck with the solid numbers.

The bad part about her asking questions during those silences is that those questions will be "yes" and "no" questions. When she asks those, i have to be able to come up with some thing more than "yes" or "no".

Me: [looks at her]
She: [thinks of a question to ask me]
She: So did you eat Pizza in Italy.
Me: Yeah, I ate a ton of pizza. My favorite was surprisingly this tuna pizza. I know it sounds gross but I still remember it to this day. May be they put crack in it I mean it has to be really tasty and addicting if I remember it 12 years later.

Friday, October 05, 2007

What have I been up to lately, Nothing!!!!!!!!

I've been lazy and just finishing off some day2s. I want to lay them and meet some new ones but it's Friday. I just want to go out and try to pull a girl back home. Will I succeed, probably not, but I'm sure I'll meet some one or most likely get a solid number.

Also, I want to start doing some day game again. It's so much easier to pull hot girls in day time than nights. With hot girls I mean girls who are 21+ with careers, not the 18 year olds people try to pull at club 131. Yes, I know who you are :P Going for the easy prey because you've got no game.

And last but not least, I've been doing a great job at avoiding community guys. I'll continue to do that because most community guys are not that swanky. They should really work on being one of the cool guys. If they can hang on with other cool guys, they should start working on pulling some hotties.