Wednesday, January 05, 2000

Help me use the Annihilation Method to Annihilate these fake gurus

Yikes, I have this fake email account where all my junk mails goes and it is full. Full of crap from these so called dating gurus. Come to think of it, dating gurus are as common as personal trainers with less social skills. I have met a shitload of them. Retards from PU101, to Mysery clowns and lets not forget the whiners from Charisma Arts, but at least they are legitimate. They work for a reputable company and believe they can help out losers who have not learned to be a man yet. No matter how many bootcamps they take, I don't think they will ever get it. They were not normal and will never be normal. Now I'm pretty convinced that if you didn't learn how to be normal when you were a kid, you will never learn it when you grow up. If you're past 30 and trying to learn social skills, forget it. You'll end up miserable. I would suggest them to pick up a hobby, may be blogging!

Anyways, to get back to my point. I was wondering if any of these people really make money. Being the detective I am, I signed up for clickbank and did my research. MY hypotheses was right. They didn't make jack shit and neither the clowns who teach seminars about how to make money. Guys, just because you see people paying 1000s of dollars for bootcamps, does not mean you will make that much with your retarded business. Now I had my share of women without the diseases, but if any of you gurus want me to review your product, let me know. Put your money where you mouth is. I will write an honest review and post it in my blog but I don't think any one would be up for the challenge :(

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